Heading to the parade, my DH drove as usual, and I read to him the profile. We were very familiar with the hosting organization, it was something of a sister organization to the agency we adopted both of our boys from China through, CCAI. The host organization Project 143 had been around only 5 years, but had already hosted over 1000 kids to the US. Familiar, yes, but in a "What an awesome idea...for somebody else" way. You know?
But this teen's picture, spread all over facebook, had grabbed us. "This," said Daniel, "This is important, eternally important: we want to have God's perspective here. If we are told to love 'the Least of these my bretheren', well...but you know Anastasia, this is going to be hard, and by the way, if we do this, we can't do X" "I know, Sweetie, but like you said, what is more important here?" "I agree" he said, firmly.
Oddly enough, the next morning, we were planning to go purchase a rather large purchase "X" of something D and I had been wanting to get for our family for years. We had tried for two weeks to meet up with the craigslist seller and always some odd reason came up and it had fallen through. But tomorrow, we had a set time and no reason for it not to work, the money in cash was actually in our glove box...(yeah, I know, sorry it's not there anymore...)
We were in the mountains, with poor signal, but Daniel asked me to call the number and see the time-frame (arrival, length of stay) and cost and when a decision would have to be made. (Guys, we don't ever purposely rush into decisions.....) I reached the P143 advocate, and after multiple crossed wires and no signal, we finally got to talk. "Oh!" she said, "I so appreciate you calling, but actually, its totally a miracle, I just got off the phone with a family who had their papers filed before K's 16th birthday, and they have promised to host him and they are going to go back to Ukraine in the spring and adopt him! It is absolutely a miracle! We never find a paper-ready family when a child is already past 16!" She proceeded to tell me that K had a prior family promise to adopt but after he turned 16 they changed their minds and then it was too late for anyone to file papers. "He has a younger brother, you see, but his younger brother has been taken into the foster system, and that means he is legally separated from his brother for life and by US law, he can't be adopted without his younger brother if he is over 16, so really without a family who had filed before his birthday, he has no chance of ever getting a family at this point!" I was thrilled for K when I heard it, but a funny little pang went through us, but truly we were glad! "We do have two other teens though who don't have a home for Christmas too, can I tell you about them?" "Yes, we would be glad to hear about them!" She told us about the other two, both 16 and "unadoptable." One was a girl with a lot of similar interests. D and I told her we would pray about it and let her know in the morning (There wasn't a lot of time! when I asked her when the deadline was, she laughed and said "it was last month, but we just couldn't bear to leave these 3 kids behind, so we've been pleading for a month!")
The next morning, we had agreed that we should say "Yes" to the teen girl (all you people rooting for us to get a girl, you would have been so proud!) So, I called the advocate back. "Actually, we have family for her now! But, there may be an issue with K's family, I am not sure, so can I call you back when I find out for sure?" A couple days passed, we prayed that God would give K a good, loving, faithful, unconditional family. I didn't pray it would be us, I wanted to (yeah, trying to be honest) but I felt deep peace to just say "Please Father, bless this precious boy with a family to call his own! May they love You, and be totally committed to him!"
The story continues: Part 3
Thank you Anastasia for taking the time to document this journey and share it all with us. I love reading about the little details that we missed int eh rush of Christmas and of all this happening!