Last fall getting the dossier organized.. |
I'm a doctor.
I think in acronyms.
For instance, if you come to me complaining of chest pain and belly pain after eating, I may write the following in my note: "*49 yo ow wf co CP w/+RUQ abd pain, w/o LE, no DOE, no SOB, no diaphoresis, no radiation, no fh CAD. no tob, no EtOH, sh unremarkable. PMH neg for CAD, CVD, MI (STEMI, nonSTEMI), DM, HTN, CKD. ho burning sensation on back of tongue, Exam: A&Ox3, PERRLA, EOMI, ENT-MMM; CVS-RRR, S1S2, no M/R/G; Lungs CTAB; Abd: NABS, ttp epigastric &RUQ, no r/g. CMP normal, -trop, normal CK-MB, H&H normal. Normal diff. Will wu w/ ekg, etc but given hx atypical, strong post-prandial assoc. will eval for GERD, PUD, BE, GB dz will obtain RUQ US, trial PPI Rx (NKDA). May need further w/u with EGD, ERCP and/or MRCP. D/W pt DDx, S&S to call, when to come in, when to call 911, pt VU & A. FU in x days." *(any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.)
Okay, I admit that note is a little over the top as I wouldn't order all those tests immediately :) but truthfully the acronym part is often not far from reality! While my made-up note uses standard acronyms, what about some regional, speciality-specific notes? I acknowledge, I have spent a lot of time on hospital rounds trying to decipher a CT surgeons notes (there it goes again!)
I realized the adoption community (especially country specific communities) have whole lexicons of acronyms, and when I am talking, sometimes I forget and start talking about TAs and SFs and 797s get the picture! Perhaps I have already left you in the dust sometime when you kindly asked "So how is the adoption going?"
So here you go, some basic acronym's and a smattering of jargon :)
- PAP--Pre-adoptive parents
- AP-Adoptive parents
- HS--home study, a 20-40 pg report by a licensed social worker detailing you and your family. Based on background checks, interviews, home inspections, financial reports, references, and every personal document that describe you!
- Dossier--Not an acronym, but a collection of many, many documents including the home study that are notarized and certified up to 4 times before they are ready for China.
- MCC--a list of medical conditions given to your adoption agency detailing the medical conditions you feel prepared to and willing to handle in a child available for adoption
- NSN--non-special needs--A child with no known long term medical problems/disease or conditions
- SN--Special needs child: This could be a child with anything from mild easily correctable problems to severe syndromes or potentially life-threatening conditions. It also includes children who are healthy, but older (often male) and have less chance of getting adopted. SN is further divided in the China adoption community to SF and LID-only.
- WC--Waiting child--same as above.
- SF--Special Focus. SF children are children with more severe or complicated medical needs or issues, children who have been on the "Shared list" for >60 days with no family inquiring about them, and children whose age makes them less likely to be adopted. *The shared list is a list of children available for adoption released by the CCCWA that the CCCWA has not specifically assigned to adoption agencies who are working in China. Because of the severe needs of these children and the lower rates of adoption among them, China will accept applications to adopt these children from families at any stage in the process. However, you still have to complete all the paperwork before you can bring them home :)
- LID-only--Children with medical needs available for adoption who have been deemed to have minor, more correctable medical conditions, usually much younger/infants. Per the CCCWA, one cannot apply to adopt such a child until all paperwork is completed
- CCCWA--China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption, sometimes referred to as the CCCA, this is the central government agency that oversees all adoptions from China. China and the US are both signatories of the Hague Adoption Convention, which aims to protect children from trafficking, innapropriate adoptions and other concerns.
- LOI--Letter of intent. This is a letter you write and send to the CCCWA when you have recieved a child referral and want to pursue adopting that child. In the case of WC/SN adoption it needs to detail their medical condition and the future plan of treatment. It tells how you will care for the child and educate him, love him and never abandon him. In the case of SF children it is accompanied by financial statements, background info, and photos of your family.
- PA--Prior Approval--a PA is a special letter from the CCCWA stating that they will process your application in an expedited fashion for this specific child. Basically, that based on the information they received in the LOI and supporting documents they will plan on you adopting that child, and he is no longer available to any other family, provided you complete your dossier in a set period of time and all of it supports their original decision.
- I800A--A form submitted to USCIS (immigration) to determine whether you are suitable as candidate to adopt internationally from a Hague treat nation, and specifically, what country, what age range, how many children and whether the children can have special needs and if so, what severity for which your family is approved. Approval is based on your home study, background checks etc.
- I-797C--The document from USCIS that says they have approved your I-800A. It is usually the very last document you need to send your dossier to China
- DTC--Dossier to China--A moment to be celebrated
- LID--Log in date, the official date the CCCWA logged in your dossier.
- LOA--Letter of acceptance--Baby, you're ours!!! Also known as the LOC or LSC. This is the official seal of approval on your adoption...but's not done yet...
- I-800 and 1864w--Filed with the NBC (national benefits center) this is the application to allow your specific child(ren) to immigrate to the USA, it cannot be filed until you have your LOA!
- NVC letter--National Visa Center letter, comes after your I800 is approved (also know as the I800PA, only here it means "provisionally approved")
- DS 230--what you actually file to get their visas, this is delived to the US consulate in China.
- Article 5--What the US consulate gives you when your DS 230 is delivered. It means you are good to go from the US side--your kids will become US citizens in China (if both parents travel to complete the adoption)
- TA--TRAVEL APPROVAL... your invitation from the CCCWA to come and pick up your children!
So, we are LID, and waiting and praying for LOA...
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Please, Lord, please let my brothers come home soon |